Congaree national park South Carolina

South Carolina


Demographic Tiled Tissue in South Carolina

Long before cutting European ships through the Atlantic, the land flourished to the present South Carolina under the leadership of indigenous peoples. For millennia, he shaped the landscape, in harmony with the communities produced and the natural abundance of the region. After European arrival in the late 1600s, the number reduced rapidly, but the original US legacy was completed. Today, thousands of indigenous peoples still call South Carolina a home. Among them, Catavba and the Pai D tribes, although not most population, have been recognized by both federal and state. However, more and more Santies have only been accepted by the state. Ketavba is the only indigenous group with a reservation in South Carolina, located in the north-central expansion of the state.

Two -thirds of South Carolina residents adopt their dynasty for white European settlers. The state colonial makeup was a mosaic of the European ancestors. The first wave of settlers was from England and Barbados, but in the 1680s the colony became a shelter for Scots and French Hugonots, which ran from harassment after disorder of Nanny’s Edict. Some of these French refugees later established roots in western regions near Abeville. The Germans arrived at the Midlands in the 1730s to settle with the Saluda River, while Welsh Baptists engraved a society on the Welsh path of the River Urin D. settled in the rolling area Pidmont. Still, despite the tidal wave of European migrants in the United States in the 19th century, some South Carolina chose as her destination.

The history of the state is also deeply associated with the African migrants. Among the 148 original colonists from South Carolina, there were five people of black African origin. As the cotton economy increased in the 18th and 19th centuries, the demand for slave labor clouds, which forced migrated thousands of Africans in the state. The Civil War (1861–65) broke the slavery institution, and in some areas African Americans succeeded in securing ownership of the country they had prepared for generations. This was especially clear on the Sagar Islands, where black communities retained the ground well in the 1900s. Some of them continued to combine English with Gullah, a linguistic remains from the plantation era, West African dialects. In the late 1800s, African Americans consisted of around 60% of the population of South Carolina. However, the great 20 -century migration saw many black inhabitants moving north in industrial towns, which largely changed the state’s demographic work. Since the late 1900s, African Americans have continuously created about 30% of the population of South Carolina.

Today, an increasing proportion of the population of South Carolina consists of immigrants and their descendants. Spanish society is the most prominent in this new arrival, followed by people from the Asian dynasty. Their presence adds fresh cultural dimensions to the sometimes developed identity of the Pameto state.

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Demographic Shifts in South Carolina

In the early 1900s, the population of South Carolina expanded at a dull speed, behind the national average due to the regular migration of both black and white. But in the 1970s, the tide began to turn around. Since then, the state growth rate has crossed the national criteria regularly.

Like the rest of the country, the population of South Carolina – even though it is in a quick clip. This trend is partly from the influx of retired people, looking for opportunities elsewhere with the stable departure of the young citizens. While most of the South Caroline is original bread, urban hub-paralyzes increase a high relationship between the hub and the coastal regions-a high relationship.

Since the late 1900s, the state has seen a demographic change, driven by one of the country’s fastest growing Spanish population. This boom is largely filled with strong immigration from Mexico and other Latin American countries. In parallel with this trend, South Carolina has also experienced a remarkable growth in the Asian immigration, which has diversity in its cultural material.

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Settlement pattern in South Carolina
The inner coastal plain of South Carolina thrives as the heart of her agricultural economy, while the outer coastal plains are filled with dense forest areas on a densely planted with about 110 km from the Atlantic. Once a rich agricultural center, the coastal region left its farm in a large way in the early 1900s. Nevertheless, the strategic land management has revived the region, and promoted a strong truck farming industry that directly delivers fresh raw materials to the markets.

Since the mid -1900s, tourism and entertaining development have ignited fierce competition for land in the coastal area. Despite maintaining a more rural character than many other states, South Carolina has seen enough metropolitan extension, now more than half of the population of urban centers lives. The highest population density appears in the upper pidamont around Upper Pidamont, Greenville, Sportenberg and Anderson; In Midlands, Colombia and Florence incorporate; And along the coast, where Charlston, Hilton Head Island and Martal Beach act as a dynamic population hub.

South Carolina’s financial scenario

In the early 1900s, the South Carolina economy was strongly lied to in agriculture. Until the 1920s, however, the industrial production of the state had assumed its agricultural production at the price. While agriculture is still an important component of the economy, the effect has reduced as a production and service industry. Historically, the South Carolina industrial area turns around low -paid textile production and other non -profit organizations. Nevertheless, due to the transfer of economic tides in the late 1900s, attention moved towards transport equipment and durable objects. Meanwhile, the service sector thrives, the fuel is given by a large -scale strong tourist industry.

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Agriculture and forestry

Since the mid -1900s, the state has seen a sharp decline in the field, which is more than a quarter of the total land area. While cotton and cotton pins maintain conditions in the form of crops, cotton cultivation is reduced on a large scale, it is now limited to choosing counties inside the inner coastal area. On the other hand, in the 1940s, Soyabean said – has strengthened its role as the cornerstone of the agricultural economy. Tobacco, once the undisputed cash crop in South Carolina, is important with agriculture centered in the urine area, despite a decline in a steep production since the late 1990s. The state also includes a rich greenhouse, kindergarten and flower industry. The reputation of South Carolina for Peaches, with the upper pidamont and gardens blooming in Midlands.

Later, livestock and poultry farming has increased to prominence, especially in Pidmont. The production of broomer, cattle and calves now ranks in the most profitable agricultural companies. Together with the coast, the commercial seafood industry is important, where shrimp, crabs and oysters are important.

Together with the forests that blank about two -thirds of the state, forestry stands as a large industry. Variants like oak like oak are mainly cut for wood, while pine fuel that softwood provides fuel to the paper industry. Rejuvenation efforts, largely successful, have emphasized the replenishment of cedar forests, and secured a stable supply for future generations.

Resource and power

The mining industry in South Carolina is about the essential building material, which has the backbone of granite, limestone, soil, sand and gravel production. Gold mining, a relic from the 1800s, saw a short revival again in the late 1900s before disappearing, reminiscent of his volatile return that left the landscape in a spot.

Since the mid -1970s, nuclear power has dominated power generation in South Carolina, with many reactors throwing more than half of the state’s current. Coal -controlled plants make up most of the remaining supply, while petroleum, natural gas, hydropower and other renewable contribute to just a marginal ownership interest.

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Despite the continuous decline from the late 1900s, production is the cornerstone of the South Carolina’s economy. In the early 1900s, the textile factories saw the upper Pidmont and Midlands, thousands of people hired until 1910. In most times of the 1900s, textile production excluded the highest. Still, as global competition intensified, several factories stopped, reducing the economic footprint of the industry.

Meanwhile, car production increased, took over textiles that the large industrial area of ​​the state. Chemical production, rubber and plastic, machines, paper and metal articles also received prominence. The change was fuel of the influx of branch facilities from North American companies and foreign investors, making South Carolina one of the best states in foreign capital investments per capita.


The interstate highways cut through South Carolina and connect it to the rest of the nation, even though the railway network has decreased. Large railway operators have consistently left small branch lines, some of which now act as independent short -neck carriers.

Flights are important with large airlines serving hubs in Greenville-Partanburg, Columbia, Charleston and other important cities. Coastal tourist destinations enjoy strong air connections, while commuters airlines connect small cities to regional airports. International service is limited, but selected is available at large airports.

State Ports Authority (SPA) has converted Charlston into a power center between South Atlantic Container Ports. In 2004, large vessels were activated in the dock with heavy loads by elaborating on the inner port ducts. SPA supervises port operations in Georgetown and Port Royal, which strengthens the strategic role of South Carolina in Marin Handel.

Government and Society

Constitutional disposition

The state government in South Carolina works under the Constitution of 1895, although the provisions have been systematically amended since 1968 – each change was carefully prepared by the legislature and subject to the voter approval. The governor begins the executive authority and provides a four -year period with a revision of 1980, allowing reunification in the second period in a row. Lieutenant Governor, elected with the governor, led the Senate and climbs up the guide in the case of an incomplete word. Other state is elected while the governor has veto power, including Line-Aitam budget-Veveto, the legislative branch retains greater impact on the government.

The bilateral legislation in Mahasabha, South Carolina includes the Senate and the House of Representatives. Originally, each county was equipped with a senator and at least one representative, but this system was considered a constitutional controversy by the US Supreme Court. As a result, the house in 1974 was reorganized in 124 individual members districts in the same population, followed by the reorganization of the Senate in 1984 in 46 districts. The senators serve four years of terms, while the representatives are elected every two years.

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The judicial authority rests with the Supreme Court, which oversees an integrated legal system under the administration of the chief of chief. The Supreme Court consists of a chief manager and four colleagues Justice, all of whom are elected by the general meeting for 10 years, and ensures that a new justice has been elected as two years. A Court of Appeal, including a Chief Chief and Tree Judges sitting in panels at least five affiliated judges, and automatically reviews cases from lower courts, except for those who decorate the death penalty, electoral constitutions, constitutional cases, state regulatory action and tied debt, which are directly increased in the Supreme Court.

The state is divided into 16 legal cycles, which provides service of the circuit right to complete the wider jurisdiction. Within this system, the Court of Joint Argue handles civil litigation, while the Court of General Collections leads criminal cases.

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Local government

The Constitution of 1895 left any provision on local rule, placed county cases under the control of legislative delegations, subject to the approval of the general meeting. This centralized system remained up to the local government law of 1975, which provided more autonomy to counties and municipalities. The law depicted 46 counties in South Carolina and the management structures available to around 300 municipalities, which define their responsibilities, authorization and tax authority.


For more than a century after reconstruction (1865–77), South Carolina politics was hit by a very white democratic party. When the National Democratic Party adopted a progressive attitude to race and civil rights, the political mobility of the state began to change. Two decisive development choices for the black inhabitants for the choice of the black inhabitants. Activated in fully participated in and holds the public office. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Republican Party resolved its dominance in the congresses, governor’s mansion, Mahasabha and Metropolitan County Council.

Health and welfare

County health departments offer important services, from birth care to vaccination programs, but South Carolina continues to suppress health challenges. The state eliminates one of the country’s highest infant mortality and suffers specifically from the chronic lack of doctors in rural areas. On the other hand, large -scale centers have claimed advanced medical infrastructure, and host recognized medical institutions with Charleston and Colombia as Bolt Healthcare Innovation.

These health inequalities have poverty in the heart. Despite the significant economic progress, the South Carolina states have a high proportion of residents living below the poverty line in the United States. In the coastal area, rural communities increase the main role of this difficulty, where access to special medical treatment is rare, which increases the struggle for adequate health care.


Public education was guaranteed during the constitution of the reconstruction period of 1868, which built the Office of Superintendent of Public Instructions (later to the State Superintendent to Superintendent of Education). The State Board of Education today confirms teachers, determines standards and establishes study courses for public schools, which are grouped into around 100 local districts. Educational achievement has improved at all levels, but South Carolina continues to struggle with a low degree of grading. In order to improve the situation, the general meeting has established minimum standards for educational performance and equalized money for education in the school districts. The educational reforms, 1984 were adopted, to improve education for education for education and increase students’ results. In 1999, South Carolina inaugurated the first phase program to better prepare children to enter first grade.

The largest institute for higher education in the state is South Carolina University in Colombia, chartered in 1801 as Carolina College and opened in 1805. Claimson University, an institution created in 1889, focuses on great research and teaching, focusing on great research and teaching . Agriculture. Vinthrop University (1886) is located in Rock Hill and has long been known as South Carolina College for Women, now the collaboration. The Citadel (1842), one of some state -backed military colleges, is located in Charleston, and so is Medical University in South Carolina. South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, a historical black university, was originally chartered in 1896. Created in 1770 and chartered in 1785, College of Charlston is the oldest publicly supported institution in the United States; It was officially part of the state college system in 1970. There are several private institutions throughout South Carolina, which are largely supported by Protestant sects.

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