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Solution to GATE 2023 Geology GG1 Numerical Problem

The bulk density and water content of a soil are 1800 kg/m3 and 18%, respectively.…

September 9, 2024

Gate Geology and Geophysics 2024 Question paper with solution

Question: 11 The Earth’s magnetic field originates from convection in which one of the following…

September 6, 2024

Advantages and Limitations of Photogeology

Advantages of Photogeology Over Conventional Geological Survey Photogeology, or aerial photo-interpretation applied to geological work,…

September 6, 2024

Scope of Remote Sensing in Natural Resources Survey

Scope of Remote Sensing in Natural Resources Survey The wealth of mankind largely depends on…

September 5, 2024

Rare Earth Elements (REE)

Rare Earth Elements (REE) The rare earth elements (REE) are the most useful of all…

September 2, 2024

Isotope Thermometry

Oxygen Isotope Thermometry One of the first applications of the study of oxygen isotopes to…

September 2, 2024

Sulphur Isotopes Geochemistry

Sulphur Isotopes There are four stable isotopes of sulphur: The ratio between the two most…

September 1, 2024

Carbon Isotope Fractionation and Distribution in Nature

Carbon Isotopes Carbon has two stable isotopes with the following abundances: Measurements are made relative…

August 31, 2024

Hydrogen Isotopes: Measurement, Variations, and Applications in Geological Studies

Hydrogen Isotopes There are two naturally occurring stable isotopes of hydrogen, which occur in the…

August 30, 2024

Oxygen Isotopes and variations of delta 18 O in nature

What are the stable isotopes of oxygen and their abundances? There are three stable isotopes…

August 29, 2024
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