Upcoming ISRO MissionsUpcoming ISRO Missions

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

has a track record to prove its space technology skill through several successful assignments. Isro expands space boundaries and has developed a series of ambitious assignments that promise to contribute to national and global development.

This article will take a wide look at some of these upcoming assignments, and work on their goals, expected results and innovative technologies. From human spacecraft to solar research, the future Isro mission in India will ensure that it maintains its position as a leader in the international space community.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has an array of ambitious space missions lined up in the coming years, aimed at advancing its capabilities and making significant contributions to space science and exploration. Here are some of the key upcoming missions:

Upcoming ISRO MissionsUpcoming ISRO Missions
Upcoming ISRO MissionsUpcoming ISRO Missions 2

Upcoming ISRO Mission: NVS-02 Navigation Satellite

NVS-02 Navigation satellite is part of India’s navigation with the Indian Nakshatra system, developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which has an accurate position for different applications, including defense, transport and disaster management. Offers services.

Key Highlights:

  • Launch Date: The NVS-02 satellite was successfully launched on May 29, 2023, at 10:42 AM IST.
  • Launch Vehicle: The satellite was carried into orbit by the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) F12 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota.

Mission Objectives:

Enhance NavIC (India’s regional satellite navigation system) for improved accuracy. Provide L1, L5, and S-band navigation services. Feature an indigenous atomic clock for better timekeeping precision. Orbit: Placed in a geosynchronous orbit for continuous regional coverage.

Upcoming ISRO Mission: NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar)

NASA-IICEROO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NiSar) Mission is a collaborative prithvi-VeVolution project between the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The purpose of this mission is to provide a wide, high -resolution measurement of the soil surface, which can lead to a better understanding of the planet’s dynamic processes.

Nisar’s most important highlights:

  • Launch Date: Nisar -satellite is scheduled for launch in March 2025 from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota, India.

Missions Goals:

  • Monitoring of ecosystems: Assessment of changes in the Earth’s ecological systems including forest biomass and agricultural activities.
  • Snowing studies: Monitoring the dynamics of ice sheet in Greenland and Antarctica to understand sea level growth.
  • Natural dangers: Discovering and analyzing natural dangers such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides.
  • Surface formation: Measurement of ground movements to study subgroups and tectonic activities.

Technical specifications:

  • Double frequency radar: Nisar will use both L-band and S-band synthetic aperture, respectively, to obtain extensive comments.
  • High temporary resolution: The satellite will scan the land and ice surfaces twice every 12 days, so that frequent monitoring of changes.

Upcoming ISRO Mission Gaganyaan-1 (Uncrewed Test Flight)

The Gaganyaan-1 mission is the first unnecessary test flight under India’s Gaganic program, which aims to showcase the performance of the Gagan spacecraft in the Earth’s orbit.

Main highlights:

  • Launch Date: The assignment is scheduled for March 1, 2025.
  • Launch Vehicles: The spacecraft will be cycled in a human ranked LVM3 (HLVM3) rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Center.

Missions Goals:

  • Orbital insertion: The Gagan spacecraft will be placed in a 170 x 408 km path, with a third -graded circular maneuver.
  • Payload: Assignment will carry a humanoid robot Airmitra to simulate the crew’s activities and provide valuable data on the atmosphere of the spacecraft.

Upcoming ISRO Mission Cartosat-3B

Cartosat -3b Mission is an upcoming earth observation satellite developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), designed to increase India’s high -resolution imaging skills.

Main highlights:

  • Launch Date: Cartosat -3b -satellite is scheduled for launch in 2025.
  • Launch Vehicles: Satellite will be posted in Orbit by Polar Launch Vehicle (PSLV-XL) from the Satish Dhawan Space Center.

Missions Goals:

  • High resolution imaging: Cartosat -3b aims to provide a punchsscometric images with a solution of 0.25 meters, improving India’s capacity for detailed soil observation.
  • Multisactral Imaging: The satellite will offer multiseptral images with a 1 meter resolution, and supports various applications such as urban planning, rural development and monitoring of coastal use.

Upcoming ISRO Mission Mangalyaan-2 (Mars Lander Mission)

Mangalayan -2 Mission, officially known as Mars Orbiter Mission 2 (MOM -2), is the purpose of the second interplanetary end speech to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), aimed at Mars. The first MORM -2 wants to continue the search for the red planet in India about the success of the Mars Orbiter assignment (Mangalaya -1).

Main highlights:

  • Mission type: Originally conceptualized as an orbite assignment, newer reports suggest that Mangalan -2 may include a lander, rover, helicopter, Sky Crane and a supersonic parachute, which from its predecessor marks considerable progress.
  • Launch Vehicles: The assignment has been lubricated to cycle on a huge launch of LVM3 (EAST GSLV MK III) Rocket, Isro, which is able to Interplenate the mission.

Launch Timeline:

  • While the first plans targeted a launch in 2024, the assignment has experienced a delay. The current estimates did not indicate a launch compared to 2026, some sources suggest that it may be late by 2028.
  • Scientific Objective: The purpose of Mangalaya -2 is to elaborate on our understanding of Mars by studying its surface and environment. The mission will take advanced payload, including a hyperpactral camera, a high-resolution punchometric camera and a radar to check the martian crust and surface features.

Upcoming ISRO Mission Chandrayaan-4

Chandrayaan -4 mission is an ambitious Lunar Sample Return ends by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), aimed at restoring and returning the samples on Moon soil and stone on Earth.

Main highlights:

Launch Timeline: The assignment is scheduled for launch in 2027.

Missions Goals:

  • Example collection: To collect ancient moon soil and rock samples from the lunar surface and safely return them to the earth for extensive scientific analysis.
  • Technical demonstrations: To demonstrate advanced abilities, including docking and ignoring lanes, as well as mounting the aerospace module in space.

Assignment architecture:

  • More launches: The assignment will include at least two different launches using Heavy Lift LVM-3 rockets.
  • Modular components: Five separate modules will be launched and later gathered in the classroom to perform the objectives of the assignment.

Upcoming ISRO Mission Venus Orbiter Mission

Venus Orbiter Mission (VOM) is an ambitious mutual relationship from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which aims to increase our understanding of Venus, which is often referred to as “twins” of the earth because of its same size and and and proximity. Is.

Main highlights:

Launch Date: The assignment is scheduled to be launched March 29, 2028.

Travel time: The spacecraft is expected to take 112 days to reach Venus, to reach class around July 19, 2028.

Launch Vehicles: Mission Isro’s launch vehicles will use Mark-3 (LVM-3), designed for a heavy rocket-inter-planetary assignment.

Missions Goals:

  • Atmospheric studies: Check the creation, dynamics and chemical processes in the dense environment of Venus.
  • Exploration of surface and sub-construction: To penetrate the thick cloud cover and map the surface and the under state functions of the planet, use advanced equipment including S-ties Synthetic aperture (VSAR).
  • Solar Interaction: Check how solar radiation and solar wind interact with Venus’ ional and atmosphere.


The assignment has been awarded a budget of 824 crore (about $ 95 million) for spacecraft (about $ 140 million) (about $ 140 million).

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