विज्ञान की प्रमुख शाखाएँ (Branches of Science)

Science is the systematic study of the natural and physical world, divided into numerous branches each exploring a specific aspect of our universe. From the smallest atom to the vast expanse of space, these scientific disciplines help us understand everything around us.

Major Branches of Science

विज्ञान की प्रमुख शाखाएँ (Major Branches of Science)अध्ययन विषय (Subject of Study)
एंटोमोलॉजी (Entomology)कीट-पतंगों का अध्ययन (Study of Insects)
एपीकल्चर (Apiculture)मधुमक्खियों के पालन का अध्ययन (Study of Bee-keeping)
एपीग्राफी (Epigraphy)शिलालेख संबंधी ज्ञान का अध्ययन (Study of Inscriptions)
एरोनॉटिक्स (Aeronautics)वायुयान संबंधी विज्ञान का अध्ययन (Study of Aeronautics)
एस्ट्रोनॉमी (Astronomy)खगोलीय पिण्डों का अध्ययन (Study of Celestial Bodies)
ऐन्थोलॉजी (Anthology)पुष्प सम्बन्धित वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन (Scientific Study of Flowers)
एस्ट्रोलॉजी (Astrology)मानव पर ग्रह-नक्षत्र के प्रभाव का अध्ययन (Study of the influence of planets and constellations on humans)
एस्ट्रोनॉटिक्स (Astronautics)यह अंतरिक्ष यानों से सम्बन्धित विज्ञान की शाखा है। (This is the branch of science related to spacecraft.)
अर्बोरीकल्चर (Arboriculture)वृक्ष उत्पादन संबंधी विज्ञान की शाखा है। (This is the branch of science related to tree production.)
ऑर्कियोलॉजी (Archaeology)पुरातत्व सम्बन्धित विज्ञान की शाखा है। (This is the branch of science related to archeology.)
ऑर्थोपेडिक्स (Orthopedics)अस्थियों के उपचार का अध्ययन (Study of Bone Treatment)
ऑर्निथोलॉजी (Ornithology)पक्षियों का अध्ययन (Study of Birds)
ऑप्टिक्स (Optics)प्रकाश के व्यवहार व गुणों का अध्ययन (Study of the behavior and properties of light)
ऑस्टियोलॉजी (Osteology)हड्डियों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन (Scientific study of bones)
ओलेरीकल्चर (Olericulture)सब्जियों की कृषि का अध्ययन (Study of vegetable cultivation)
ओनेइरोलॉजी (Oneirology)स्वप्नों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन (Scientific study of dreams)
बायोकेमिस्ट्री (Biochemistry)जीवित शरीर की रासायनिक क्रियाओं के अध्ययन संबंधी विज्ञान की शाखा है। (This is the branch of science related to the study of chemical reactions in the living body.)
इकोलॉजी (Ecology)जीव व पर्यावरण के बीच पारस्परिक सम्बन्धों का अध्ययन (Study of the interrelationships between organisms and the environment)
कार्डियोलॉजी (Cardiology)हृदय की रचना तथा रुधिर कार्यविधि का अध्ययन (Study of the structure and function of the heart and blood)
कॉस्मोलॉजी (Cosmology)ब्रह्माण्ड के जन्म, विकास और विलोपन का अध्ययन किया जाता है। (The birth, development and dissolution of the universe are studied.)
न्यूरोलॉजी (Neurology)तंत्रिका तन्त्र का अध्ययन (Study of the nervous system)
न्यूमेरोलॉजी (Numerology)अंकों का अध्ययन (Study of numbers)
पेडोलॉजी (Pedology)मृदा का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन (Scientific study of soil)
पैथोलॉजी (Pathology)रोगों की प्रकृति के कारण, उपचार आदि का अध्ययन (Study of the nature, causes, treatment, etc. of diseases)
पीसीकल्चर (Pisciculture)मछलियों का व्यापारिक उत्पादन का अध्ययन (Study of commercial production of fish)
पोमोलॉजी (Pomology)फलों का अध्ययन (Study of Fruits)
फ्लोरीकल्चर (Floriculture)फूलों की कृषि (Cultivation of flowers)
फाइकोलॉजी/एल्गोलॉजी (Phycology/Algology)शैवालों का अध्ययन (Study of Algae)
माइकोलॉजी (Mycology)फफूंद/कवक सम्बन्धित विषयों का अध्ययन (Study of Fungi)
मिनेरालॉजी (Mineralogy)खनिजों का अध्ययन (Study of Minerals)
माइक्रोबायोलॉजी (Microbiology)सूक्ष्मजीवों का अध्ययन (Study of Microorganisms)
मॉफोलॉजी (Morphology)जीव एवं भौतिक जगत की आकारिकी का अध्ययन (Study of the morphology of the living and physical world)
मेमोलॉजी (Mammology)स्तनधारी जंतुओं का अध्ययन (Study of Mammals)
मैरिकल्चर (Mariculture)समुद्री जीवों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययन (Scientific study of marine organisms)
मोलीक्यूलर बायोलॉजी (Molecular Biology)आण्विक स्तर पर जीवों की संरचना व कार्यों का अध्ययन (Study of the structure and functions of organisms at the molecular level)
लिथोलॉजी (Lithology)चट्टानों एवं पत्थरों से सम्बन्धित विषयों का अध्ययन (Study of rocks and stones)
विटीकल्चर (Viticulture)अंगूर की खेती का अध्ययन (Study of grape cultivation)
साइटोलॉजी (Cytology)जीव कोशिका का अध्ययन (Study of Living Cell)
सीस्मोलॉजी (Seismology)भूकंप का अध्ययन (Study of Earthquakes)
सेरीकल्चर (Sericulture)रेशम उत्पादन का अध्ययन (Study of Silk Production)
साइकोलॉजी (Psychology)मनोविज्ञान का अध्ययन (Study of Psychology)
हॉर्टिकल्चर (Horticulture)पुष्प एवं फल देने वाले पौधों का अध्ययन (Study of flowering and fruit-bearing plants)
होमेटोलॉजी (Hematology)रक्त एवं रक्त विकार सम्बन्धित विषयों का अध्ययन (Study of blood and blood disorders)
हिस्टोलॉजी (Histology)शरीर के ऊतक की संरचना एवं कार्य सम्बन्धित अध्ययन (Study of the structure and function of the body’s tissues)
सर्पेटोलॉजी (Serpentology)साँपों का अध्ययन (Study of Snakes)
हर्पेटोलॉजी (Herpetology)सरीसृप एवं उभयचरों का अध्ययन (Study of Reptiles and Amphibians)

1. What is the study of insects called?

The study of insects is called Entomology.

2. What is the science of bee-keeping called?

The science of bee-keeping is known as Apiculture.

3. What is the study of inscriptions called?

The study of inscriptions is referred to as Epigraphy.

4. What is the science concerned with the study of flight and the operation of aircraft called?

The study of flight and aircraft operation is called Aeronautics.

5. What is the study of celestial bodies called?

The study of celestial bodies is known as Astronomy.

6. What is the scientific study of flowers called?

The scientific study of flowers is called Anthology.

7. What is the study of the influence of planets and constellations on humans called?

The study of planetary and constellation influences on humans is called Astrology.

8. What is the branch of science related to spacecraft called?

The branch of science related to spacecraft is Astronautics.

9. What is the science of tree production called?

The science of tree production is called Arboriculture.

10. What is the branch of science related to archaeology called?

The branch of science related to archaeology is Archaeology.

11. What is the study of bone treatment called?

The study of bone treatment is called Orthopedics.

12. What is the study of birds called?

The study of birds is known as Ornithology.

13. What is the study of the behavior and properties of light called?

The study of light behavior and properties is called Optics.

14. What is the scientific study of bones called?

The scientific study of bones is referred to as Osteology.

15. What is the study of vegetable cultivation called?

The study of vegetable cultivation is called Olericulture.

16. What is the scientific study of dreams called?

The scientific study of dreams is called Oneirology.

17. What is the branch of science related to the study of chemical reactions in the living body called?

The study of chemical reactions in the living body is known as Biochemistry.

18. What is the study of the interrelationships between organisms and the environment called?

The study of organisms and their environment is called Ecology.

19. What is the study of the structure and function of the heart and blood called?

The study of the heart and blood is known as Cardiology.

20. What is the study of the birth, development, and dissolution of the universe called?

The study of the universe’s origin and fate is called Cosmology.

21. What is the study of the nervous system called?

The study of the nervous system is called Neurology.

22. What is the study of numbers called?

The study of numbers is referred to as Numerology.

23. What is the scientific study of soil called?

The scientific study of soil is called Pedology.

24. What is the study of the nature, causes, and treatment of diseases called?

The study of diseases and their causes is called Pathology.

25. What is the study of commercial production of fish called?

The study of commercial fish production is called Pisciculture.

26. What is the study of fruits called?

The study of fruits is known as Pomology.

27. What is the cultivation of flowers called?

The cultivation of flowers is referred to as Floriculture.

28. What is the study of algae called?

The study of algae is known as Phycology or Algology.

29. What is the study of fungi called?

The study of fungi is called Mycology.

30. What is the study of minerals called?

The study of minerals is known as Mineralogy.

31. What is the study of microorganisms called?

The study of microorganisms is called Microbiology.

32. What is the study of the morphology of the living and physical world called?

The study of morphology in living and physical worlds is called Morphology.

33. What is the study of mammals called?

The study of mammals is referred to as Mammology.

34. What is the scientific study of marine organisms called?

The scientific study of marine organisms is called Mariculture.

35. What is the study of the structure and functions of organisms at the molecular level called?

The study of organisms at the molecular level is called Molecular Biology.

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